Mark Booth Hole-In-One

29th MARCH 2022

Hits a stinger in the wind

On a very blustery day, Mark Booth stepped up to the par 3,203 yard, 14th tee. He took a short glance up at the hole to see his target one last time and visualise his shot once again.

The wind howling and swirling but steadfast and focussed, Mark struck a smooth but precise 4-iron stinger to the heart of the green. The camber of the ground took the ball closer to the hole, as Mark’s heart raced a little quicker, thinking only of his chance of a two. However, better things were to come as the ball rolled freely into the hole. HOLE-IN-ONE!

Cheers arose on the tee as Mark and his playing partners celebrated like the leaves in chaos on the bluster of the storm around them.

Onward to the 19th to celebrate, not winning the competition, but with the privilege of purchasing a bottle of Scotland’s finest for the rest of the club.

The gloss tarnished a little as Mark realised, he hadn’t gone in the 2’s!

Congratulations on your Hole-In-One Mark, great achievement.

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